IT Technical Support for Developers

Tally Integration Capabilities

Tally Integration Using XML Read / Write

Tally Interfaces – For Integration

Tally communicates with the external world mainly using two Interfaces.
‡ 1.Tally ODBC Interface (Read Only)
‡ 2.Tally XML Interface (Read and Write)

Tally XML Interface Integration

XML (Extensible Markup Language) is the standard for information exchange with external systems. Tally.ERP 9 supports standardized message formats for Request/Response. Tally.ERP 9 can communicate with any environment capable of sending and receiving XML over HTTP.
Tally can act as an HTTP Server capable of receiving an XML Request and responding with an XML Response. The entire Tally Data can be made available to the requesting application. It is also possible for the application to store data into Tally Database.
Using the same interface, Tally has the capability to interact with a Web Service delivering Data over HTTP. In this scenario, Tally behaves as a client retrieving and storing data into an external database. The Web Service capable of handling Tally Request/Response serves as a layer between Tally and External Database.
Example : Tally - XML Integration
Tally - XML Request / Response

Let us consider different scenarios to understand the Request and Response XML structure.
Export - Request to Export Data and Corresponding response.
Import - Request to Import Data and the Corresponding response.
Execute - Request to Execute Action and Corresponding response.

Tally Export Data Using XML

Tags used for sending a request to export data from Tally.ERP 9.
contains the following:
Tag must contain value Export
Tag must contain value Data
Tag should contain the Name of the TDL Report
contains the following:
Tag can contain report settings like Company Name, Format, etc. as desired which should be enclosed within tag.
If the Report Name specified in the tag does not exist within Tally running at the spec­ified port, the TDL defining the Report & other supporting definition needs to be described and enclosed within tag .
Example : Request for a detailed Trial Balance in XML Format from Tally.
             <ID>Trial Balance</ID>
In the above XML request, <HEADER> describes the expected result.
  • The value of the Tag <TALLYREQUEST> is Export which indicates that some information needs to be exported from Tally.
  • The value of the Tag <TYPE> is Data which indicates that the data needs to be exported from Tally.
  • The value of the Tag <ID> must be a TDL Report Name, if the previous Tag <TYPE> con­tains Data and Tag <TALLYREQUEST> contains Export. Any Report which needs to be exported from Tally can be specified within this Tag.
  • <BODY> Tag contains parameters, if any. Additional settings for the report like format required, company from which data is required, etc. can be passed within <STATICVARIA­BLES> Tag enclosed within <DESC> Tag. All variables are considered as Tag Names and their value are enclosed within these tags. For e.g., in the above XML, variables SVEX­PORTFORMAT and EXPLODEFLAG are considered as Tags and their respective values $$SysName:XML and Yes are enclosed within. TDL Internal Function SysName is evalu­ated at Tally end and the response is being sent accordingly.

XML Response received From Tally

                  <DSPDISPNAME>Capital Account</DSPDISPNAME>
Tally Import Using XML
Tally can import data objects either in the form of a Master or Voucher.
<HEADER> contains the following
  • Tag <TALLYREQUEST> must contain value Import
  • Tag <TYPE> must contain value Data and
  • Tag <ID> should contain the Import TDL Report i.e., either All Masters or Vouchers.

<BODY> contains the following

  • Tag <DESC> can contain report settings like Company Name, behavior of Import in case of duplicates found; as desired which should be enclosed within <STATICVARIABLES> Tag.
  • Tag <DATA> must contain the XML Data Fragment within Tag <TALLYMESSAGE> that needs to be imported
Example : Request for importing Master data in Tally
                    <ID>All Masters</ID
                                        <LEDGER NAME="ICICI" Action = "Create">
                                                  <PARENT>Bank Accounts</PARENT>
                                        <GROUP NAME=" Bangalore Debtors" Action = "Create">
                                                   <NAME>Bangalore Debtors</NAME>
                                                   <PARENT>Sundry Debtors</PARENT>
                                        <LEDGER NAME="RK Builders Pvt Ltd" Action = "Create">
                                                   <NAME>RK Builders Pvt Ltd</NAME>
                                                   <PARENT>Bangalore Debtors</PARENT>

In the above XML Request, Create action is used. Any of the following system formulae can be used to choose the required behavior in case the system encounters a ledger with the same name. The behavior is for the treatment of the Opening Balance which is being imported.
  • DupModify specifies that the current Opening Balance should be modified with the new one that is being imported.
  • DupIgnoreCombine specifies that the ledger if exists need to be ignored.
  • DupCombine specifies the system to combine both the Opening Balances. Ideally, this option is used when Data pertaining to Group Companies are merged together into a single company. 
On processing the above request for importing ledgers, the requested ledgers are created in Tally. 

XML Response received From Tally.


The above XML Response is a log of masters created, altered, combined, ignored or not imported due to some errors. It also contains information pertaining to the last Master ID imported. For Alteration and Deletion of Masters, the Object action needs to be Alter or Delete respectively.

For instance, in the above example,

<LEDGER NAME="ICICI" Action = "Alter">

Name of an existing ledger ICICI will get altered to HDFC.

In case of Deletion, following line suffices

<LEDGER NAME="ICICI" Action = "Delete">
Tags used for sending a request to Execute an action from Tally.ERP 9.
<HEADER> contains the following:
  • Tag <TALLYREQUEST> must contain value Execute
  • Tag <TYPE> must contain value TDLAction and
  • Tag <ID> should contain the Name of the TDL Action
Example : Request for Executing Synchronization in Tally


In the above XML request, <HEADER> describes the expected result.
  • The value of the Tag <TALLYREQUEST> is Execute which indicates that some action needs to be executed in Tally.
  • The value of the Tag <TYPE> is TDLAction which indicates that some TDLAction has to be executed in Tally.
  • The value of the Tag <ID> must be a TDL Action Name. Any action which needs to be exe­cuted in Tally can be specified within this Tag.

Tally prime is hanging, Not responding, not Opening

Reasons for Tally Prime is not responding

How to solve tally prime problem

Tally Prime is Not Responding Problem क्या हैं और कैसे Solve करे?

This could happen due to various reasons. The first step towards finding the solution for this problem is identifying what is causing Tally to not respond.

Data Size Huge

When the data size is huge Tally may take time to load and thus may fail to respond. The solution to this problem is split your data. Year-wise splitting of data is a good practice as it decreases the data load on the system and thus tally will be able to load all the user requests quickly.

Error while opening Company

TallyPrime now starts in the Command Prompt. Press Ctrl+Alt+R to repair the company data.

Troubleshoot TallyPrime

Press F1 (Help) > Troubleshooting > Repair. Note: If you press Alt+F3 to open a Company and see the status Repair Required against it, then you will need to press Enter on it and follow the procedure of repair. Select the company that you want to repair and press Enter. or Press Ctrl+Alt+R to repair the company data.

Multiple users using Tally at the same time

Tally is single threaded and often cannot process two user requests simultaneously. Thus one has to wait for tally to finish the pending tasks and only then it will be able to process new user requests.

Tally Prime Startup Problem

Tally is not open a long time, and only logo will display, no menu screen
Due to Printer drivers or configuration Tally may hang, troubleshoot all printers which are installed in the computer, and fix if any problem, this will support the tally to open or startup without any delay.
Printer troubleshoot

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