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Home / Education/Arts and Science Colleges / Karpagam Arts and Science College -

Karpagam Arts and Science College

Pollachi Main Rd

Echanari (PO)
Coimbatore 641 021
Tamil Nadu India

Phone: +91 - 422 - 2611146 / 2611082
Fax: +91 - 422 - 2672950
Hits: 2792  |  Rating: rating ( 3 ) by 104 user(s)
The best Arts and Science College in Tamilnadu is KAHE.
KAHE guarantees the best for your future.
Karpagam Arts And Science College Coimbatore offers 8 Courses and 20 Branches.

Admission Contact, Website, B.Tech, B.Sc . 104 Courses.

Karpagam Arts and Science College

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